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Draft Meeting Minutes for December 16, 2024

Heritage Palms Community Development District

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Heritage Palms Community Development District was held on Monday, December 16, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. at the Heritage Palms Golf and Country Club at 10435 Washingtonia Palm Way, Fort Myers, Florida and via web conference.

Present and constituting a quorum were:

Mike Whitten – Chair
Stan Switzer – Vice Chair
Bob Breisch – Assistant Secretary
Chuck Rawson – Assistant Secretary

Attending remotely:

Brian Anderson – Assistant Secretary

Also attending were:

Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Mandie Rainwater – Assistant District Manager, PDM
Sam Marshall – Engineer, Atwell, LLC
Steven Martin – Engineer, Atwell, LLC
Dave Slovak – HOA Liaison
George Smothers – Resident

Attending remotely:

Christopher Dudak – Client Services Manager, PDM

The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Heritage Palms Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors Meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 8:01 a.m., and District Manager Cal Teague called the roll. Four Board members were present and constituted a quorum, and Brian Anderson attended remotely. Also in attendance were Mandie Rainwater, Assistant District Manager, Sam Marshall, the Engineer, Steven Martin, Engineer, HOA Liaison Dave Slovak, and Resident George Smothers. Attending remotely was Christopher Dudak, the Client Services Manager.

On MOTION by Chair Whitten, seconded by Vice Chair Switzer, with all in favor, the Board approved Supervisor Anderson’s attendance remotely.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

The Agenda was amended at the meeting by Chair Whitten to add:

  • 8C Rip rap repair on Lake 2
  • 8D Discussion on moving the Lake 8 fountain

On MOTION by Vice Chair Switzer, seconded by Supervisor Rawson, with all in favor, the Board approved the Agenda, as amended.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

There were no Audience comments on Agenda items.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Board Reorganization: Resolution 2025-01

Consideration of Board reorganization is required when there is an appointment or election. Mike Whitten was nominated as Chair. Stan Switzer and Brian Anderson were nominated as Vice Chair, and Supervisor Anderson declined. Supervisors Breisch, Anderson, and Rawson will remain as Assistant Secretaries, Cal Teague will remain as Secretary and Treasurer, and Jennifer Miller as Assistant Treasurer. Mandie Rainwater and Christopher Dudak will be added as Assistant Secretaries. This resolution was approved with the above cited officers.

On MOTION by Supervisor Breisch, seconded by Vice Chair Switzer, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2025-01, retaining Mike Whitten as Chair, Stan Switzer as Vice Chair, Supervisors Breisch, Anderson, and Rawson remaining as Assistant Secretaries, Cal Teague remaining as Secretary and Treasurer, and Jennifer Miller as Assistant Treasurer, adding Mandie Rainwater and Christopher Dudak as Assistant Secretaries.


A. Items to be Pulled from Consent Section for Discussion by the Board

No items were pulled.

B. Motion to Approve Consent Items

On MOTION by Supervisor Rawson, seconded by Vice Chair Switzer, with all in favor, the Board approved all of the Consent items.

C. Consent Items

i. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2024

ii. Financial Report for November 2024

District Manager Teague noted that assessment payments have been coming in.

iii. FEMA Update

D. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion


There was no report from Attorney Greg Urbancic.


A. Paving Project Plan for Wine Palm and Seminole

Engineer Marshall stated that permit applications have been submitted to the City and the County. He has not yet obtained an estimated concrete cost. Vice Chair Switzer asked if the area to be paved was from Seminole Palm to outside of the back gate. Engineer Marshall confirmed that it is.

Sam Marshall and Steve Martin left the meeting at 8:10 a.m.


A. L-6 Gate (11145 Ranchette) and Other Fence Repairs Proposal (8020 Tiger Palm, 11212
Wine Palm, 11070 Seminole Palm, 11293 Wine Palm)

Field Manager Pepin stated that he is in the process of obtaining a revised proposal from Carter Fence to exclude the fencing around the water control structure. The proposal is divided into 6 stops with prices for each. District Manager Teague noted that the $7,500 approved at the last meeting was for everything other than the Ranchette Road outflow repairs, which totals ~$6,000.  Field Manager Pepin had informed Chair Whitten that he believes that $8-$9,000 would be removed from the original proposal, which had totaled $31,149.49, with the changes they have asked for. District Manager Teague confirmed that the contractor is now aware of the Board’s request, and a new proposal will be submitted for the Ranchette work. The Board would like the other repairs completed for the previously approved $7,500. The Ranchette work will be addressed at a later time.

Chair Whitten added that trespass intrusions into the area off Ranchette Road have dropped off since he started patrolling the Lake L-6 outflow. He reported that he called the police one time, and it was 1.5 hours before the police arrived.

B. Cane Toad Prevention Program Discussion

Chair Whitten stated that he had a few Cane Toad reports on Queen Palm, and that a resident killed two on his property.  This will continue to remain on the Agenda, even though the Community Field Services tadpole removal proposal was approved in October. The only action needed at this point is for Chair Whitten to notify Field Manager Pepin when there is a need for trapping tadpoles.

C. Rip Rap repair on Lake 2

There had previously been rip rap and shoreline repair behind the Verandas on Queen Palm, which was authorized at the June 24, 2024 meeting. Some residents had sent photos indicating where rip rap rocks had slid into the lake, possibly due to the rain and winds from Hurricane Milton. This was also noted on page 5 of the current field report. Field Manager Pepin informed District Manager Teague that Pristine Lakes has moved some back into place. He also noted that it is common for rip rap to shift, but he will monitor the area.

D. Discussion on moving the Lake 8 fountain

Chair Whitten presented a resident request asking the Lake 8 Fountain to be moved, because they can no longer see it from their home. Dave Slovak stated that they would like it to be moved to the northwest, and he believes it was moved at some point. District Manager Teague suggested it could cost a few hundred dollars to move. Chair Whitten stated that it was moved closer to the shoreline at some point to keep it out of the path of the driving range. The Board decided that, if and when there is a major repair needed, the Board will consider moving it.


The added items 8C and 8D were technically new business, but were added to agenda under old business, above.


A. Current Field Management Report

Field Manager Pepin’s report was reviewed, and the following was discussed:

  • District Manager Teague stated that all the lakes are in good condition.
  • He noted that there were several large alligators in the lakes, but Field Manager Pepin did not designate them for removal. District Manager Teague explained that aggressive alligators and those over 6’ can be reported for removal.
  • There is a roadway depression forming on Washingtonia Palm Way just south of the Queen Palm Lane intersection. Field Manager Pepin called the City, but there has been no response as of yet. He believes the CDD may be required to repair it.
  • Chair Whitten stated that he had heard from Mr. Segler who had petitioned the Board at the last meeting to have the dead pine tree removed from the preserve behind his home. He is now asking that it be removed sooner rather than later, because he has Christmas guests coming in. Field Manager Pepin is still waiting for a proposal for its removal.
  • There has been no additional response from the owners concerning the letters which had been sent about the vegetation encroachment along the CDD preserve fence. The most recent letters stated that encroachment growth will be trimmed back by field staff if no remedied by the homeowners, and possibly charged a minimum bill of $500 for the service. However, the Board has not requested any further action from staff at this time.
  • Chair Whitten commended Field Manager Pepin for his responsiveness on all field issues.

B. Follow Up Items

i. Aerator Repairs / Valve System Lake 13/14/15

Field Manager Pepin reported that the project has been completed.

ii. Aerator Compressor Replacement Lakes 9 and 11

Field Manager Pepin reported that he is waiting for a proposal from Fountain Kings to complete this repair.

iii. Lake 8 NE Shoreline Restoration

Field Manager Pepin stated that the project will begin on May 1st when activity on the golf course begins to slow down. The Board is concerned about the delay, because they question if such delay will increase the deterioration of the exposed geo tube. Chair Whitten will contact Greg Kriesch to discuss the possibility that the work could be started earlier.

iv. Lake 8 Fountain Lighting System

He noted that installation was completed on December 12th.

v. Dead Oak Removal behind 7418 Heritage Palms Estates

Field Manager Pepin stated that he is waiting for a proposal to flush cut the tree. This was discussed earlier in the meeting.

vi. 11097 Sierra Palm Court Trash in Preserve

Staff sent a letter to the homeowners asking them not to dump items into the preserve and to remove the trash.

vii. 2024 Concrete Pressure Cleaning Update

Field Manager Pepin stated that the project should be completed this week.

Chair Whitten reported that Bill Vosney complained about mud residue left on the sidewalk. Chair Whitten noted that last year Triple Crown Pro Pressure Washing had only sprayed with bleach. He stated that he has talked to Quintin, the owner, and he stated that he has modified his cleaning routine to prevent the mud from drying. This year they pressure washed, rinsed, and then sprayed with bleach. Chair Whitten stated that he is impressed with the care and extra steps taken by Triple Crown.


A. Final Reminder 4 Hour Annual Ethics Training Due by December 31, 2024

This is the final reminder that the 4 hours of ethics training is due by the end of December, and it is to be reported by Supervisors in 2025 on their Form 1.  In January, another 4 hours of ethics training will be required, because this is an annual requirement.


Dave Slovak asked about a need to coordinate power washing of the waterfall fixture at the front entrance, but Chair Whitten noted it is not needed and that this is HOA responsibility. Dave added that the pickleball court construction has finally been permitted, and construction may start after January 3rd.  He also discussed the quotes received for solar power at the Oasis.

THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Reports, Requests, and Comments

Supervisor Rawson noted that he has sold his home and will be leaving the community in February.  He is unsure if he will be available for the January meeting. He will email a resignation letter to staff, and staff will put notice of the coming vacancy on the District website.

Vice Chair Switzer wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


George Smothers asked if paving will be from Wine Palm and Seminole Palm to Tiger Palm.  Chair Whitten confirmed that it will. He asked the cost of the pressure washing, which Chair Whitten stated was $15,000. Chair Whitten noted many pavement stains are indelible.

Dave Slovak noted that the Heritage Palms facilities team is considering some changes to parking spaces and creating designated cart parking.


On MOTION by Vice Chair Switzer, seconded by Supervisor Rawson, with all in favor, the Board agreed to adjourn at 9:04 a.m.

The Next Regular Meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 27, 2024 at 8:00 a.m.

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair