Approval of Meeting Minutes
March 23, 2020
Heritage Palms
Community Development District
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Heritage Palms Community Development District was held on Monday, March 23, 2020 at 8 a.m. by web conference with the requirements for a quorum being physically present waived under the Governor’s Executive Order 20-69.
Attending via web conference due to Executive Order 20-69 waiving the quorum requirement were:
Stan Switzer – Chair
Paul Schafer – Assistant Secretary
Al O’Brien – Assistant Secretary
Mike Whitten – Assistant Secretary
Fed DeCotis – Assistant Secretary
Also attending via web conference were:
Cal Teague – District Manager
Greg Urbancic – Attorney
Christopher Dudak – Assistant to the District Manager
The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Heritage Palms Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order and the District Manager called the roll. All Board members were present.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
The Agenda was presented and approved.
On MOTION by Supervisor Schafer seconded by Supervisor O’Brien, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved as presented.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
The Regular Meeting Minutes were presented and approved.
On MOTION by Supervisor DeCotis seconded by Supervisor Schafer, with all in favor, the Regular Meeting Minutes of February 24, 2020 were approved as presented.
The Attorney briefed the Board on SB1466. It passed both Houses and is awaiting the Governor’s signature. He expects it to be effective July 1st. Districts will not have to post the entire agenda packet on their websites under this bill, just the Agenda. He said a bill to allow Districts to advertise their meetings on the website to avoid the expense of advertising in newspapers was defeated. Also addressed was the possibility of conducting future meetings via online meeting apps in lieu of in-person quorums due to Covid-19 concerns. The agenda packet will be posted until that time.
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
A. North Boundary Fence Project
Sunstate Fence is awaiting permitting to be approved for this project; the deposit has been paid.
B. Lake L-6 Fence Repair Update
The Field Manager installed a cable from both gates so that they can no longer swing open. He will monitor the effectiveness of this.
C. Stormwater Management System Cleaning Update
The Field Manager reported that MRI said their crew spent a couple of days cleaning out the roadway basins and will have two crews consistently onsite after April 12 to finish the project. Several Board members commented that they hadn’t noticed anyone from MRI onsite. The Field Manager will monitor to ensure they are performing in a timely manner.
D. Erosion Repair for Lakes 4 & 8 Update
This work is expected to start in early to mid April by Lake & Wetlands.
E. Pavers at Cart Crossings Update
i. Mill Down Asphalt at Cart Crossing on Curry Palm Proposals
A proposal from D&G Pavement was presented to mill out and regrade the asphalt at the Curry Palm cart crossing for $1,152 for 144 square feet of asphalt. It was to be a test site to see if the Board wants to consider this at other crossings. The Board wants proposals for all of the crossings in need of repair. The Chair encouraged all the supervisors to look at each crossing to see which should be corrected using this process. This is on hold pending further investigation.
F. Spike Rush Cutting Update
L&W is working through all the lakes with the harvester and then the ground crew is following and manually raking the cut vegetation.The crew is several days behind the harvester so there will be dead spike rush floating in some of the lakes for a couple of days.
A. Aerator & Fountain Maintenance Proposals
Lake Doctors and Florida Fountains submitted proposals. The Board considered these proposals but decided not to make changes at this time. They will monitor Solitude’s performance in the upcoming months.
A. Field Report for March 2020
The following comments were made:
– The Lake & Wetlands report was received.
– The aerators and fountains were discussed.
– The filter sock presented by Supervisor Schafer at the last meeting should be reviewed by the Field Manager for the next meeting.
– The Lake 4 repair of washouts and Lake 15 planting of Fakahatchee grass should be completed.
– The Hybrid Canna and Bacopa are growing and spreading nicely. It will stabilize the bank and can live under water while providing color.
– The amount of algae is down on several lakes.
– At Seminole Palm Lane, the trip hazard was fixed.
– The ADA curb was painted yellow near the clubhouse.
B. Follow-Up Items
There being none, the following Order of Business followed.
A. Website Launch
i. Senate Bill 1466 Proposed Changes
Discussed under the Attorney’s Report.
ii. Website Management Agreement
The proposed agreement was presented and approved after review from the Attorney.
On MOTION by Supervisor Schafer, seconded by Supervisor Whitten with all in favor, the Board approved the Website Management Agreement as was written.
B. FEMA Update
FEMA approved the $11,260 in reimbursement and payment is expected soon. Administrative costs are still being negotiated.
C. Estoppel
Resolution 2020-01 was presented to amend the Management Agreement to allow for a $45 per hour grant administration fee upon Board approval. They also acknowledge that PDM charges $150 for preparing estoppel requests.
On MOTION by Supervisor Whitten, seconded by Supervisor O’Brien with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2020-01 to amend the Management Agreement to allow for a Grant Administration fee of $45/hour for staff support and $150 for preparing estoppel requests.
D. FY2021 Draft Budget Presentation
The Board discussed the need for an increase in the budget.They would like to see a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) included with the budget if the $100/unit increase in assessments is approved to start in the November tax bill. There is a difference between the two budgets (one with and one without the $100 increase) that needs to be resolved. The two primary concerns were roadway surfaces and exposed geotubing. The Board requests the Engineer to provide an estimated cost for road surface replacement needs for the next meeting.
ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Statements for February 2020
The Financial Statements for February 2020 were accepted as presented.
On MOTION by Supervisor Schafer, seconded by Supervisor O’Brien with all in favor, the Board approved the Financial Statements for February 2020.
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Reports, Requests & Comments
Supervisor Whitten, as a resident on the HOA Road Safety Committee, said they did not meet due to the coronavirus emergency so there is no progress at this time.
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
There being no further Orders of Business, and
On MOTION by Supervisor Whitten, seconded by Supervisor O’Brien, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 9:47 a.m.
Next Meeting: April 27, 2020 at 8 a.m.