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Meeting Minutes for April 25, 2022

Heritage Palms
Community Development District

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Heritage Palms Community Development District was held on Monday, April 25, 2022 at 8 a.m. at the Heritage Palms Golf and Country Club at 10420 Washingtonia Palm Way, Fort Myers, Florida and via web conference.

Present (or by web conference) and constituting a quorum were:
Mike Whitten – Chair
Stan Switzer – Vice Chair
Al O’Brien – Assistant Secretary
Dennis Lubozynski – Assistant Secretary
Bob Breisch – Assistant Secretary

Also attending (or by web conference) were:
Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Sam Marshall – Engineer, Banks Engineering
Mike O’Donnell – HOA Board of Directors Co-Liaison
James Wesolaski – HOA Board of Directors Co-Liaison
Gaby Novak – Project Specialist, PDM
George Smothers – Resident

The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Heritage Palms Community Development District (CDD) Meeting Board of Supervisors meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order and the District Manager called the roll. All Board members were present, with Chair Whitten attending via web conference. Also in attendance were Cal Teague, the District Manager, Sam Marshall, the Engineer, and Mike O’Donnell, and James Wesolaski from the HOA. Resident George Smothers, and Gaby Novak from PDM were also in attendance.

On MOTION by Supervisor Breisch, seconded by Vice Chair Switzer, with all in favor, the Board approved Chair Whitten’s attendance via web conference.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

Add 9Bviii Ratify Repair of Water Control Structures

On MOTION by Chair Whitten, seconded by Vice Chair Switzer, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved, as amended.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

There were no Audience comments on the Agenda.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes

A. Draft Meeting Minutes for March 25, 2022

Change March 25 to March 21 on the Agenda.

On MOTION by Supervisor Breisch, seconded by Supervisor O’Brien, with all in favor, the Board accepted the Draft Meeting Minutes for March 21, 2022, as submitted.


District Manager Teague stated that Attorney Urbancic told him that the legislature had voted to allow the meetings to be advertised on a County website. This still needs the Governor’s approval.


Engineer Marshall arrived at the meeting to give his report.

A. Traffic Management

Engineer Marshall stated that the District could use signage to direct traffic, such as trucks, to certain routes throughout the community, or they could post “No Thru Trucks” signage, if it becomes problematic. He also suggested that the guard have a map to direct truck traffic.

B. Silt Barrier Requirements

Sam stated that there needs to be a permit for any project that involves digging or disturbance of dirt that is 1 acre or more.


There were no agenda items for Old Business, but the following was discussed:

Supervisor Breisch wondered if the cocoplums had been planted between Heritage Palms and Casa del Lago, since it is the dry season. District Manager Teague will ask Field Manager Pepin about the projected installation date. The Board reaffirmed their desire to keep the planting expense under $1,000.


As part of a community awareness program which is a requirement of the NPDES permit, Engineer Marshall provided dog waste collection bags that will be distributed throughout the community. These bags indicate how the waste generates pollution in the community.

Supervisor Breisch stated that the homeowner at 7376 Heritage Palms Estates reported evidence of a wild boar in the preserve behind their home. It was commented that it could be armadillos. This will be investigated.

There was discussion on the pond watch samples that had been taken, which indicated an increase in nutrient loadings, and there was concern if this was coming from the two new developments on the north side of the canal. The Board agreed to add the procurement of a 5th sample from the area near Winkler Road. Also, Sam will check with the City to see what, or if any, discharges had been obtained in the area.

On MOTION by Chair Whitten, seconded by Vice Chair Switzer, with all in favor, the Board approved the acquisition of a 5th sample for the pond watch, with Engineer Marshall looking at City data on the discharges into the pond system.


A. Current Field Report

District Manager Teague reviewed Field Manager Pepin’s report and the following was discussed:

Field Manager Pepin stated that some aerators and fountains need repair, and they will be working on this.

Lake 3 had algae problems, and Lake L-1 had issues with submerged weeds.

There is also a silt deposit on the Lake 12 shoreline because of an irrigation mainline break, and Greg will be sent a reminder to remove the silt.

There was discussion on one of the new developments that had been created in a picnic area that is on the Heritage Palms HOA property. Chris reported that material had been placed there and not removed. A letter will be sent by the HOA telling them to remove all of the materials. A “No Trespassing” sign had not been placed on the site, but the HOA is in the process of installing one.

Chris identified concrete issues at the Washingtonia North cart crossing, and the Board asked if this could be considered a joint project between the CDD and HOA. The HOA would take care of the cart path, and the CDD would do the rest. The Board asked Chris to see if Greg could present this joint project to the HOA Board.

B. Follow-up Items

i. Queen Palm Concrete Slab Repair Update

This is scheduled to be completed during the week of April 25th.

ii. Damaged Fences Near Lodge & Golf Course

This project had been completed.

iii. Trip Hazard Catch Basin Adhesive Update

Chris is having a difficult time getting the adhesive ordered from the new company, but he thinks he has found another provider.

iv. Trip Hazard Driveway Pavers by Sidewalks Inspection

The sidewalk grinding is scheduled to be completed in the middle of May. They are waiting until most of the seasonal residents have left, so there will be less foot traffic.

v. Bio Blocker Discussion/Muck Sampling Update

Chris is waiting on a revised proposal from Solitude. His last communication with them was April 19th.

vi. Leaf Build-up on Catch Basins

It appears that the ground crews are now clearing off the grates.

vii. 11006 Wine Palm Side Garden Expansion Request

The ARC had denied the expansion of her garden. A catch basin had been put in, a drainpipe under the cart path was installed, and Chris is monitoring this to see if there will be any problems.

viii. Ratify Repair of Water Control Structures

The collapsed water control structures had been repaired and ratification was needed for the expenditure.

On MOTION by Supervisor Lubozynski, seconded by Vice Chair Switzer, with all in favor, the Board ratified the expenditure of $4,300 for the repair of collapsed water control structures.


A. Financial Statements for March 2022

District Manager Teague reviewed the Financials.

On MOTION by Supervisor Breisch, seconded by Chair Whitten, with all in favor, the Financial Statements for March 2022 were accepted for Audit, as presented.

B. Fiscal Year 2023 Draft Budget

District Manager Teague reviewed the draft budget and it was accepted by the Board. He stated that it will be discussed further at the next meeting.


Mike O’Donnell and Jim Wesolaski commented that they will be working on the Watermark issue. It was also determined that they would now be the Co-Liaisons from the HOA Master Board to the CDD.

TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Reports, Requests, and Comments

There were no Supervisor Reports, Requests or Comments.


George Smothers would like the damage to the fence at the west property line of Sabal #9 repaired. District Manager Teague will have Field Manager Pepin investigate.


On MOTION by Vice Chair Switzer, seconded by Supervisor Breisch, with all in favor, the Board agreed to adjourn at 9:38 a.m.

The Next Regular Meeting: May 23, 2022 at 8:00 a.m.

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair