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Date Distributed: March 20, 2023

Heritage Palms
Community Development District

March 27, 2023
Board of Supervisors Meeting

Meeting Attendance Instructions

To join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
To dial in using your phone:
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212, Access Code: 852-198-381

Or attend in person at the Heritage Palms Golf and Country Club on 10435 Washingtonia Palm Way in Fort Myers, Florida.

Heritage Palms

Community Development District
Meeting Agenda

March 27, 2023 at 8:00 AM

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Audience Comments on Agenda Items
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. Items To Be Pulled from Consent Section for Discussion by the Board
    2. Motion to Approve Agenda
    3. Consent Items
      1. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes for February 27, 2023
      2. Monthly Financial Report for February 2023
      3. FEMA Reimbursement Update
    4. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion
  5. Attorney
    1. Opinion on the Possible Need for Rule-change or Resolution for Board Decision to Allow No New Fountains on Community Lakes
      1. Resolution 2023-03
    2. 10731 Bromley Lane Fence Damages Agreement
  6. Engineer
    1. Roadway Inspection and Coring Samples Update
    2. Lake 14 Overflow Ditch Follow-up
  7. Old Business
    1. Proposal to Repair Hurricane-caused Fence Damages
    2. Proposal for New Aerator Maintenance Contract
    3. Proposal for New Fountain Maintenance Contract
    4. Proposal for Plantings around Stormwater Structure on Lake L-2
    5. Proposal for Heritage Palms Estates Storm Drain Lines Cleaning
    6. New Proposal for Aerator Repairs
  8. New Business
    1. Cane Toad Discussion
    2. Crosswalk Discussion
    3. Shoreline Restoration Discussion & Proposal
    4. Midge Fly Treatments Discussion for Lake 8 & Proposal
  9. Field Manager
    1. Current Field Report
    2. Follow‐up Items:
      1. New Wing Gate Installation on Fence near Sable 17
  10. District Manager
    1. FY 2024 Budget Goals and Objectives
  11. H.O.A. Report
  12. Supervisor Reports, Requests, and Comments
  13. Audience Comments
  14. Adjournment- Next Meeting: April 24, 2023 at 8:00 A.M.

4. Consent Agenda

    1. Items To Be Pulled from Consent Section for Discussion by the Board
    2. Motion to Approve Agenda
    3. Consent Items
      1. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes for February 27, 2023
      2. Monthly Financial Report for February 2023
      3. FEMA Reimbursement Update
    4. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion

5. Attorney

    1. Opinion on the Possible Need for Rule-change or Resolution for Board Decision to Allow No New Fountains on Community Lakes
      1. Resolution 2023-03
    2. 10731 Bromley Lane Fence Damages Agreement

6. Engineer

    1. Roadway Inspection and Coring Samples Update
    2. Lake 14 Overflow Ditch Follow-up

7. Old Business

    1. Proposal to Repair Hurricane-caused Fence Damages
    2. Proposal for New Aerator Maintenance Contract
    3. Proposal for New Fountain Maintenance Contract
    4. Proposal for Plantings around Stormwater Structure on Lake L-2
    5. Proposal for Heritage Palms Estates Storm Drain Lines Cleaning
    6. New Proposal for Aerator Repairs

8. New Business

    1. Cane Toad Discussion
    2. Crosswalk Discussion
    3. Shoreline Restoration Discussion & Proposal
    4. Midge Fly Treatments Discussion for Lake 8 & Proposal

9. Field Manager

    1. Current Field Report
    2. Follow‐up Items:
      1. New Wing Gate Installation on Fence near Sable 17

10. District Manager

    1. FY 2024 Budget Goals and Objectives

11. H.O.A. Report

12. Supervisor Reports, Requests, and Comments

13. Audience Comments

14. Adjournment- Next Meeting: April 24, 2023 at 8:00 A.M.