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Date Distributed: September 18, 2023

Heritage Palms
Community Development District

September 25, 2023
Board of Supervisors Meeting

Meeting Attendance Instructions

To join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
To dial in using your phone:
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212, Access Code: 852-198-381

Or attend in person at the Heritage Palms Golf and Country Club on 10435 Washingtonia Palm Way in Fort Myers, Florida.

Heritage Palms

Community Development District
Meeting Agenda

September 25, 2023 at 8:00 AM

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Audience Comments on Agenda Items
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. Items To Be Pulled from Consent Section for Discussion by the Board
    2. Motion to Approve Consent Items
    3. Consent Items
      1. Draft Audit Selection Committee Meeting Minutes for August 28, 2023
      2. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes for August 28, 2023
      3. Financial Report for August 2023
      4. FEMA Reimbursement Update
    4. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion
  5. Attorney
    1. Halperin Bromley Lane Fence Repair Legal Pursuit Update
  6. Engineer
    1. Roadway Milling and Paving Project Update
    2. Slow Drainage on Heritage Palm Estates Drive
  7. Old Business
    1. HP Estates Drive Stormwater System Scoping Results
    2. Cane Toad Preventive Program Options
    3. Lakes Maintenance Concerns
    4. Proposal to ROV the Remaining Stormwater Lines in the Lower Half of Heritage Palms
  8. New Business
    1. Proposal to ROV the Stormwater Lines in the Upper Half of Heritage Palms
    2. Resolution 2023-07: Fiscal Year 2024 Meeting Schedule
    3. Discussion on Request to Take Over Electricity Billing on Lakes 8 and 22 Fountains
  9. Field Manager
    1. Current Field Management Report
      1. Fence Issues Log
    2. Follow‐up Items:
      1. Raking/Removing Salvinia and Algae from Worst Lakes
      2. Sidewalk, Curb, and Gutter Concrete Repair
      3. Trimming Littorals on Lake 7 for Pond Watch Access
      4. 2A, 2B, 23, 24, 26, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L12 Aeration Repairs Update
  10. District Manager
  11. H.O.A. Report
  12. Supervisor Reports, Requests, and Comments
  13. Audience Comments
  14. Adjournment- Next Regular Meeting: October 23, 2023 at 8:00 a.m.

4. Consent Agenda

    1. Items To Be Pulled from Consent Section for Discussion by the Board
    2. Motion to Approve Consent Items
    3. Consent Items
      1. Draft Audit Selection Committee Meeting Minutes for August 28, 2023
      2. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes for August 28, 2023
      3. Financial Report for August 2023
      4. FEMA Reimbursement Update
    4. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion

5. Attorney

    1. Halperin Bromley Lane Fence Repair Legal Pursuit Update

6. Engineer

    1. Roadway Milling and Paving Project Update
    2. Slow Drainage on Heritage Palm Estates Drive

7. Old Business

    1. HP Estates Drive Stormwater System Scoping Results
    2. Cane Toad Preventive Program Options
    3. Lakes Maintenance Concerns
    4. Proposal to ROV the Remaining Stormwater Lines in the Lower Half of Heritage Palms

8. New Business

    1. Proposal to ROV the Stormwater Lines in the Upper Half of Heritage Palms
    2. Resolution 2023-07: Fiscal Year 2024 Meeting Schedule
    3. Discussion on Request to Take Over Electricity Billing on Lakes 8 and 22 Fountains

9. Field Manager

    1. Current Field Management Report
      1. Fence Issues Log
    2. Follow‐up Items:
      1. Raking/Removing Salvinia and Algae from Worst Lakes
      2. Sidewalk, Curb, and Gutter Concrete Repair
      3. Trimming Littorals on Lake 7 for Pond Watch Access
      4. 2A, 2B, 23, 24, 26, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L12 Aeration Repairs Update

10. District Manager

11. H.O.A. Report

12. Supervisor Reports, Requests, and Comments

13. Audience Comments

14. Adjournment- Next Regular Meeting: October 23, 2023 at 8:00 a.m.